Sunday, January 1, 2012

New life?

It's fitting that today is New Years and the I'm launching the new Savvy Greenista blog---a sure quest to new beginnings. But it's unfitting to believe that you can completely change your life in a day!

This could be the problem with extreme New Year resolutions! We come up with a list of the things we're going to change about ourselves and our life, thinking we can transform completely on January 1st. Yet, more often than not we fail before the end of the month. Creating unrealistic goals and not allowing ourselves to grow into these new ideas sets us up for failure.

It's important to realize that resolutions are like any other goals that you need to have a plan for and if you really want to accomplish them, sometimes you have to think lifestyle change.

Savvy Greenista-- A Fab Girl on a Natural Quest is just that. This is my lifestyle change. "Going Green" is not a fad for me, I'm not doing it because it's cool. People need to realize it's more than just recycling and it does take a conscious effort to make it apart of your everyday life.

I'll be 24 years old in 12 days and for the first 20 something years of my life, I had it all wrong. We've been programmed from babies to think that the way we live is right; when it comes to food, products, and our everyday actions.However our way of life is not sustainable---for our planet, our health, or our wallet. So follow me on this quest. I'm a everyday girl with everyday issues, I'm not a tree hugging hippie (no offense to tree hugging hippies, I'm down for the cause!), and I don't have all the answers but i'm surely trying to figure it out. It's called trial and error baby!

Remember, becoming green doesn't mean you cancel out the fabulous you. In fact, you become even more fabulous---doing better for yourself, health and of course your wealth (think more mind, body,and soul than cash money).

Welcome to my blog and 2012...are you ready?

1 comment:

  1. I really love this! Good luck, Tiff! :-) --Ms. Rios
